Hello and welcome to the Global Health and Social Science Website. We want the content on the website to be useful and relevant. We would love to hear any thoughts or suggestions about the site so please feel free to get in touch. This page gives you a little bit of detail about our purpose and what you will find on the site.

The overall purpose of the Global Health and Social Science site is to:

  • Connect researchers using qualitative and participatory methods to study Global health
  • Provide quality training materials and resources to provide support to researchers
  • Facilitate real-time discussion forums

The website is part of the Global Health Network and was developed by Eleanor MacPherson, Sally Theobald, Sassy Molyneux and Mike Parker. The intension of the website is to be fully open access and participatory, to allow users to shape content and focus discussion.

Background to this site:

  • In the past three decades, qualitative and participatory research approaches have taken a more prominent role within global health research
  • Qualitative and participatory research methods provide individuals and communities with an opportunity to voice their priorities, needs and lived realities
  • Qualitative and participatory research approaches require skilled researchers and often intense engagement with communities and individuals

The key areas on the site:

  • Training materials for conducting qualitative and participatory research. These training materials have been developed by researchers and include case studies of practice, and audio and video materials.
  • The website also draws together existing resources on conducting qualitative and participatory research. These resources have been identified from the academic and grey literature and include empirical and methodological research
  • Dedicated online discussion space to allow researchers to share ideas, reflect on practice and develop collaborations