This is your chance to share your Global Health Clinical Research experiences. Tell others about your studies, your ideas and your research site. What happened with your study today? Have you had any tricky issues, perhaps you solved one? Please tell us...

26 May


Research Survey Help

By matt0778

Hello everyone,  I hope everyone who reads this is doing well! My name is Matthew Poulter, and I am a ...

6 April


Clinical Data Management

By ssbawankar123

Why does the industry require Clinical Data Management?The industry requires Clinical Data Management because drugs, treatment methods, vaccines etc. ate ...

5 July


New Knowledge Hub Launches to Facilitate Uptake and Application of Research Findings into Policy and Practice

By editorial

The Global Health Network launches the Applying Research to Policy and Practice for Health (ARCH) Knowledge Hub.This Hub aims to ...

15 March


Epidemic Ethics Postdoctoral Fellowship

By Susan

The University of Cape Town is seeking to appoint a 2-year Postdoctoral Fellow in Epidemic Ethics. This role is one ...

19 February


Basic Health Needs in Relation to Human Rights in a Global Health Crisis

By whoethics

Author: Mercury Shitindo, Africa International University - Kenya, & Anahuac University-Mexico   Introduction   How does one determine what are basic ...

24 October


Black and Autistic – the forgotten child.

By tendaikwari

This paper seeks to raise awareness of autism in black communities and help parents to source for suitable support in ...

17 April


Participatory Action Research in Action

By dbogecho

This blog is closed to new posts due to inactivity. The post remains here as part of the network’s archive ...

4 April


“Rethinking Health Care Ethics”: new open access (free download) book from Palgrave Macmillan

By sscher

This blog is closed to new posts due to inactivity. The post remains here as part of the network’s archive ...

17 December


Upcoming QUESTS Webinar: The Person-Based Approach for developing and optimising interventions

By GHN_Editors

This blog is closed to new posts due to inactivity. The post remains here as part of the network’s archive ...

29 November


Conference: The One Health Triad as a Foundation for Prevention and Control of Tropical Diseases - St Kitts, 2019

By GHN_Editors

This blog is closed to new posts due to inactivity. The post remains here as part of the network’s archive ...

6 September


12 top tips for writing a grant application from the MRC

By GHN_Editors

Sitting down to write a grant application? Recently submitted a proposal or been successful in the last MRC board round? ...

30 July


How can research be conducted ethically in global health emergencies? Please contribute your views

By Susan

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics has convened an inquiry into how research can be conducted ethically in global health emergencies. ...

25 July


Workshop report: From vast volumes of digital recordings to useful outputs - unpacking the black box

By GHN_Editors

We are part of a group of social scientists conducting a range of health-related studies in Kilifi, on the Coast ...

2 July


East African Research in Progress meeting: Submit your abstract by 31 July!

By GHN_Editors

This blog is closed to new posts due to inactivity. The post remains here as part of the network’s archive ...


The VVH (Village Vaccination House) initiative Model

By clinicianzulfi

A community based Village Vaccination House initiative ( #VVH) aiming to #strengthen out routine immunization vaccination service delivery under PEI/EPI ...