This helpful presentation is the result of a workshop held in Durban by The Global Health Bioethics Network (course facilitators: Maureen Kelley, Patricia Kingori, Dorcas Kamuya, Mike Parker). You can download the presentation on the right hand side of the screen - if you share and re-use it, please make sure to reference The Global Health Bioethics Network. The presentation covers:

  • Overview of considerations
  • How to find funding
  • Planning
  • Writing
  • What makes a strong proposal
  • Navigating the review process
  • Interviews
  • What to do if the grant is not funded
  • What to do if the grant is funded!

If you'd like to add comments or your own experiences or ideas, please log in and leave your comments below. 


  • Hi
    I'm Pharm Salamatu , just joining the group

  • nhunter Natalie Hunter 4 Oct 2018

    Hi Emmanuel,

    I'm Natalie, from the Editorial team. The slides are available by clicking the link under 'Useful Resources' in the top right corner of this article. I hope that helps!

  • Hello Editorial team,

    Would you be willing to share the slides you used in this training? We want to use it to train ourselves in grant writing. This is a skill no body possess in our group.

    Thank you

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