Recent Discussions
Festival of Social Sciences - UK
The ESCR's Festival of Social Science 2019 will run from 2-9 November 2019, with events being held across the UK. Events will cover a wide range of topics. The call for the ...
Reflections on an intersectionality training: experiences from KEMRI
Social scientists at the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust research programme in Kenya meet every year or so to share ideas, learning and careers. Our 10th meeting was a three-day gathering themed around power and ...
Introduce yourself
I was born on the 1st of April 1989 and obtained a Degree in Biological Sciences and Master Degree in Psychology as part of a Department of Psychology and University of Peshawar ...
Recent Blog Posts

Trials journal seeks papers on the topic: Building capacity for evidence informed trial management
Trials invites you to submit to our new thematic series, ‘Building capacity for evidence informed trial management’. The Editors ...

Retention to clinical trials: how can we keep participants involved?
Evidently Cochrane's new blog about participant retention gives us some interesting food for thought - sample below, and link to ...

12 top tips for writing a grant application from the MRC
Sitting down to write a grant application? Recently submitted a proposal or been successful in the last MRC board round? ...

Basic Health Needs in Relation to Human Rights in a Global Health Crisis
Author: Mercury Shitindo, Africa International University - Kenya, & Anahuac University-Mexico Introduction How does one determine what are basic ...
Research Survey Help
Hello everyone, I hope everyone who reads this is doing well! My name is Matthew Poulter, and I am a ...