groups » News and events in global health social science » Upcoming QUESTS Webinar: The Person-Based Approach for developing and optimising interventions

Professor Lucy Yardley will deliver a webinar, titled “The Person-Based Approach for developing and optimising interventions”, on Tuesday 15th January 2019 from 12-1pm (GMT).
This seminar will describe how to use the Person-Based Approach ( to develop effective and engaging interventions. The Person Based Approach uses iterative qualitative and mixed methods to ensure that the intervention is not only accessible, acceptable and engaging but also persuasive, feasible and effective. The approach emerged from our experiences of successfully developing and evaluating numerous interventions, and draws on: over 1500 interviews with users; large-scale clinical trials demonstrating the cost-effectiveness of our interventions; and embedded qualitative process studies to understand barriers and facilitators of change. This talk will explain how to use the Person Based Approach for intervention development and optimisation, illustrated by practical examples of how it has been used to develop interventions for patients and healthcare practitioners, for public health and long-term condition management, and for people from diverse cultures and different ages and abilities.


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