Nurturing care for early childhood development: a framework for helping children survive and thrive to transform health and human potential published by WHO
by The Editorial TeamProtective parents and permissive children: what qualitative interviews with parents and children can tell us about the feasibility of juvenile idiopathic arthritis trials
by Frances C. Sherratt, Louise Roper, Simon R. Stones, Flora McErlane, Matthew Peak, Michael W. Beresford, Helen Foster, Athimalaipet V. Ramanan, Madeleine Rooney, Eileen Baildam, Bridget YoungStudies involving CYP are advocated in the literature but we are not aware of any early stage feasibility studies that have qualitatively accessed the perspectives of parents and CYP with a long term condition to inform design and conduct of a trial. In the context of a feasibility study to inform the design of a proposed randomised controlled trial of corticosteroid induction regimen in JIA, we explored families’ perspectives on the proposed trial and on JIA trials generally.
The meaning of participation for children in Malawi: insights from children and caregivers” Child: Care, Health and Development
by F. Nelson, C. Masulani‐Mwale, E. Richards, S. Theobald, M. GladstoneThe aim of this study is to explore what participation means for children (including those with and without disability) in rural Northern Malawi.
Challenges to the care of low birthweight babies in rural Southern Malawi: a qualitative study exploring perceptions and experiences of caregivers and health workers
by Marianne Koenraads, John Phuka, Kenneth Maleta, Sally Theobald, Melissa GladstoneThis paper looks at the infants in Malawi who suffered from low birth weight, and asks the question: how can we improve the outcomes?
Strengthening close to community provision of maternal health services in fragile settings: an exploration of the changing roles of TBAs in Sierra Leone and Somaliland BMC Health Services Research
by Evelyn Orya, Sunday Adaji, Thidar Pyone, Haja Wurie, Nynke van den Broek, Sally TheobaldThis article looks at Traditional Birth Attendants in Somaliland and Sierra Leone and at the important role they play in their commiunities.
Sarah Drew shares her research diary about conducting ethnographic fieldwork in Malawi as part of a Clubfoot study.
Associations between parents’ subjective time pressure and mental health problems among children in the Nordic countries: a population based study
by Gunnarsdottir et alThe purpose of this study was to examine the association between parents’ subjective time pressure and mental health problems among children in the Nordic countries as well as potential disparities between boys and girls in different age groups. In this study an association between parents’ subjective time pressure and increased mental health problems among children was found.
Communication about Children's Clinical Trials As Observed and Experienced: Qualitative Study of Parents and Practitioners
by Victoria EwingInterventions for promoting reintegration and reducing harmful behaviour and lifestyles in street-connected children and young peopleNumbers of street-connected children and young people run into many
by Jai K DasThis systematic review summarises the effectiveness of interventions for street-connected children and young people that promote inclusion and reintegration and reduce harms. It also explores the processes of successful intervention and models of change in this area, and to understand how intervention effectiveness may vary in different contexts.